Week 25

The days just go so fast and we're already in week 25.
This is what huggies.com.au got to say:
You are almost six months into your pregnancy. Your belly is rounded and you are looking more pregnant with every week which passes. 
Those ligaments and muscles supporting your expanding uterus are getting a work out. Progesterone and Relaxin, those all important pregnancy hormones are working their magic by loosening and relaxing the taut fibres. This is so your body can prepare for childbirth, but it also has the added bonus of making everything a little more loose. Warm baths, tummy massage or even physiotherapy can be useful in alleviating discomfort.

Your baby’s nostrils are patent, meaning they’re not closed over like they were. Other changes are happening in your baby’s lungs as well which will help them to breath independently at birth. That all important surfactant is coating their tiny alveoli, helping them to stay open and retain oxygen at birth.
I'm slowly getting a bit bigger and my tummy is looking more round than fat. Bub is moving around a lot and she's got her head just above my bellybutton and her legs just in reach of my bladder.. And that poor thing is getting a proper beating every day. The toilet is my best friend :)
I'm always hungry but can never eat a full meal. I feel full so quickly.
No pic this week but maybe next.
Start wheight: 66.4kg
Wheigt this week: 73,5kg (+1kg this week)
Total wheight gain: 7,1kg
See ya!
1 Lena:


Jag har ju helt missat att ni ska ha barn!

Jessica berättade att hon hade träffat dig med en liten söt mage....

Aja, bara att konstatera att jag måste börja läsa bloggen igen!!

Jättegrattis från oss alla till er alla

Kram Lena

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